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Submitted by: Tom I Stables
Spring time is not only the season of pleasant comfortable weather conditions as well as reduced home heating costs well past winters chill. Your home as well as its furnace and air conditioning systems needs ongoing and routine care and upkeep not only in the fall time before wintertime frigid home heat needs. Its not only common sense but routine systematic maintenance schedules are not only a good idea to maintain both working and reliable mechanical, electronic and structural components. You have to both keep up and maintain the value of your valuable real estate and also prudently prevent most costly tradesmen emergency service calls at a hefty premium.
There are things that you need to check two times annually. First are the batteries for your smoke and Carbon monoxide detector. You can refer to the end or start of daylight saving time as your cue in replacing the batteries on these devices. For your pressure gauge equipped fire extinguishers, you have to verify if its confined powder had settled which will over time. If so the settling can lessen the effectiveness of the fire extinguisher so what you need to do is to slacken the powder by turning the apparatus upside down. The gutters should also be checked in this manner because blockage of this can lead to build up of debris or ice which can eventually cause destruction of the structure.
Things can also be checked every time a season starts so that is once every year. The home heating system, furnace and heater, should be check before the winter begins. See to it that its periphery is free from any waste materials especially the flammable ones. For its proper functioning it is advised that you have your heating system checked by professionals. This should also be the case for you home cooling system which should be inspected before the summer starts. The seams and joints of doors and windows also need inspection in this manner. If there are breaks or gaps seen make sure you replace promptly. Dryer vents inside are usually provided with lint because the lint trap do not totally catches everything. These are really flammable material so see to it that you remove these using a lint brush. Vacuum and fan in the bathroom also requires cleaning in this timely manner to ensure their efficiency. Free these from dust by cleaning the cover of these apparatus.
Roof shingles necessitates inspection every two years. This is to ensure that there are no missing or broken pieces. However due to the materials sensitivity it would be wise to have them checked by a skilled one. After all not everybody can go up that high. Ducts for the heating system tend to be a good reservoir for dust, mildew and other particles. So it is better to have these cleaned. Every four years is the suggested interval for its maintenance by doing so you will be guaranteed of a safe and clean air to breathe in.
Thorough recaulking of windows and doors are expected to be done every five to ten years. This will depend on the conditions your home is being subjected to as well as to your proper keeping and preservation procedure. Doors weather strippers in turn require change once every seven to eight years.
Some home parts and equipments are only good to last a certain lifespan then they soon get worn out and damaged that replacement is inevitable. Water heaters are only likely to survive for about 10 to 15 years. The quality of water in your place can be a big factor in determining the existence of this equipment. Front doors are given a maximum of 15 years of service before they get totally non-functional. Environmental condition in your area can affect the duration of survival of your front doors. The vent fan in the bathroom is known to last for ten years after that you need to replace it. That period though can vary depending on the owners maintenance tasks. The top cap of masonry chimney wherein your furnace and water heater pass through needs substitute after about 15 to 20 years.
Sure its no fun to do hard work. Yet its your valued property and deserves attention and care. If you cannot do the work yourself then look up the yellow pages either online or hard copy and call a professionally trained tradespeople or handyman. You both live in your house or condo, its your home and property. Pay attention and care to your real estate well this spring time.
About the Author: Tom I. Stables
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