What Is Anxiety Disorder?

What is Anxiety Disorder?


Joshua Bowers

These types are generalized anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, separation anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and phobias.

Knowing what is anxiety disorder would include having some knowledge about its treatment options. Here are the three possible treatments available:

1. Behavioral therapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy. As the term implies this treatment will focus on cognitive (or thoughts of a person) and also their behavior. Its main purpose is for you to gain positive thoughts and to challenge the irrational and negative thoughts.

2. Medications. Medications are great if it is used in conjunction with behavioral therapy. Some examples of these medications are antidepressants and benzodiazepines.


3. Complementary treatments that can help with your anxiety disorders. These treatments include:

– Exercise, which is a natural stress as well as anxiety reliever

– Hypnosis is sometimes used together with behavioral therapy and puts you in a state of deep relaxation.

– Relaxation techniques such a controlled breathing, clearing your mind through meditation and other muscle relaxing techniques.

Knowing what is anxiety disorder can help you watch out for its signs when you feel like you or someone close to you may be suffering from it. It is also best to consult a professional about your observations and to voice out questions and concerns you may have.

Anxiety disorders come in several varieties. I will go over the most common ones here. These are social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.

Social phobia is usually diagnosed when the person suffers from excessive anxiety and overwhelming self consciousness in everyday situations. When asked \”what is anxiety disorder?\” this is the disorder most people think of. Social phobia affects about fifteen million American adults, half men and half women. Social phobia may affect one thing, like public speaking, or it may affect every social situation the person finds themselves in. A person with social phobia may worry so much over an upcoming event that it interferes with their work. Most people with social phobia realize that their fears about social situations are unreasonable, yet they are still unable to overcome them.

Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, is characterized by a person going through a whole day consumed with worries and fears over little to nothing. They are concerned about family issues, money, health issues and problems at work. Just the thought of getting through the day can cause intense anxiety. This disorder is generally diagnosed when an individual has gone six or more months with symptoms. People with GAD have problems relaxing, they startle easily, they usually have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. There are also many physical symptoms that can accompany GAD. These include muscle pains and aches, irritability, twitching, trembling, feeling light headed, headaches, fatigue, and having to urinate often.

Panic disorder is the hardest of the anxiety disorders to live with. For any reason a person might have a full-blown panic attack. If they don\’t know they have panic disorder they will often think they\’re having a heart attack or that their losing their minds. Panic disorder is characterized by an attack of terror.During the attack a person might feel nauseous, their vision might narrow, their hands might sweat, their heart rate might increase, they might be overcome with feelings of smothering. The attack might produce a feeling of unreality, a fear of impending doom or a fear of losing control.

We strive to provide the best information om chronic anxiety and panic attacks in General. For information on what to do for panic attacks please take a look!

how to relieve anxiety

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